^^^ a University of the Internet Genius Art Form Phenomenon ^^^
From USPatent#4936961 by Stanley Allen Meyer....
This picture shows distilled water being processed successfully using electrostatic technology [no current flow through the water]
instead of by the old fashioned electrolysis, AND producing MUCH more fuel per watt of energy than the old method. 1700% energy gain calculated by the suspiciously DEAD inventor! Picture is at hyiq.org website, thank you
from the internet.....
"Shale gas is certainly not the same everywhere, says Keith Bullin, senior consulting engineer for Bryan Research & Engineering. The Antrim Shale, for example, has high nitrogen concentration, as does at least one well tested in the Barnett Shale, Bullin observes. New Albany wells show high carbon dioxide concentrations, he points out, while several wells in the Marcellus Shale have tested up to 16 percent ethane content.
Economically treating and processing these gases requires all the same techniques as conventional gas, concludes Bullin, plus the ability to handle a great deal of variability in the same field.
Treatment often begins at the wellhead, offers Bob Dunn, president of the Gas Processors Association. Condensates and free water usually are separated at the wellhead using mechanical separators, he observes. Gas, condensate and water are separated in the field separator, he details. Extracted condensate and free water are directed to separate storage tanks and the gas flows to a gathering system. After the free water has been removed, the gas is still saturated with water vapor, and depending on the temperature and pressure of the gas stream, may need to be dehydrated or treated with methanol to prevent hydrates as the temperature drops.
Contaminants such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are removed at a treatment facility near the field or at a gas processing plant. “Removing the CO2 near the field is often done for pipeline protection,” he remarks.
He says this typically is achieved using a physical solvent called an amine solution. Dunn says that CO2 and H2S are both highly corrosive, and for some, the risk of corrosion is outweighed by the economies of scale achieved by central processing. If the gas is treated using an amine solution, it later must be dehydrated to pipeline quality. Dehydration, says Dunn, can be accomplished through absorption or adsorption methods. These separation and dehydration steps are similar for all gases.
If nitrogen is present in significant amounts, it must be removed at a cryogenic plant with supercooling equipment so that the gas meets the minimum heating value required by the pipeline, Bullin adds."
a University of the Internet Genius Art Form Phenomenon |
a University of the Internet Genius Coup offering Search Results Manipulation Technology to all children so they can coordinatedly create their physical immortality even with adults distracted by Capitalism
Lightning Characteristics are related to Stanley Meyer USP # 4,936,961 Water Fuel Cell for Free Fuel for Humanity!
The conditions necessary for an old-fashioned summer afternoon thunderstorm are lots of moist air from ground
level to a few thousand feet, cooler air above with little to no wind, and plenty of sun to heat the air mass near the
ground. As the warm, moist air is heated, it rises quickly to heights where the temperature is below freezing,
eventually forming a thundercloud. Within the thundercloud, the constant collisions among ice particles driven
by the rising air causes a static charge to build up. Eventually the static charge becomes sufficiently large to
cause the electrical breakdown of the air—a lightning strike. The average thunderstorm is approximately six
miles wide and travels at approximately 25 mph. The anvil shape of the cloud is due to a combination of thermal
layer (tropopause) and upper high velocity winds that cause the top of the cloud to mushroom and be pushed
forward. The area of imminent danger is the area up to 10 miles in front of the leading edge of the cloud. When
a lightning strike does occur, the return stroke rapidly deposits several large pulses of energy along the leader
channel. That channel is heated by the energy to above 50,000ºF in only a microsecond and hence has no time to
expand while it is being heated, creating extremely high pressure. The high pressure channel rapidly expands into
the surrounding air and compresses it. This disturbance of the air propagates outward in all directions. For the
first 10 yards or so it propagates as a shock wave (faster than the speed of sound) and after that as an ordinary
sound wave—the thunder we hear. During a lightning strike your equipment is subjected to several huge
impulses of energy. The majority of the energy is pulsed dc with a substantial amount of RF energy created by
the fast rise time of the pulses. A typical lightning strike rise time is 1.8 microSeconds. That translates into a radiated RF
signal at 139 kHz. Rise times can vary from a very fast 0.25 microSeconds to a very slow 12 microSeconds, yielding an RF range from
[1 MHz down to 20 kHz.] Note: Stanley Meyer Electrostatic (High Voltage) DC+AC water separation patents
works in this same frequency range!
However, the attachment point for a direct lightning strike has a time as fast as 10 nS.
This RF content of the strike will have a major effect on the design of the protection plan. In addition to the strike
pulses, the antennas and feed lines form tuned circuits that will ring when the pulses hit. This is much like
striking a tuning fork in that ringing is created from the lightning’s pulsed energy. Average peak current for the
first strike is approximately 18 kA (98% of the strikes fall between 3 kiloAmps to 140 kiloAmps). For the second and
subsequent impulses, the current will be about half the initial peak. Yes, there is usually more than one impulse.
The reason that we perceive a lightning strike to flicker is that it is composed of an average 3 to 4 impulses per
lightning strike. The typical interval between impulses is approximately 50 milliSeconds.